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RISE ICE ArctiqDC Northern light

Arctiq Data Center

Arctiq-DC aims to strengthen the regional data centre industry's products, services, solutions and offerings to customers (parties) outside the region, nationally or internationally.

The goal of the project is to strengthen the regional data center industry's products, services, solutions and offerings to customers (parties) outside the region, nationally or internationally. This should be done by demonstrating and with measurements show and
prove that; investing and operating data centers in arctic regions have low and among the lowest investment and operating costs in the world in terms of cooling and power distribution.

The benefit of the project is the development, testing and demonstration of unique technology that can be implemented effectively in the Arctic region. The demonstrations and evaluation results can be used long after the end of the project in marketing of sites and services / products. Regional product companies, both large and SMEs, will be able to deliver solutions and products to their customers based on results from the project. Reports and demonstrations will be made in the areas:

- Free cooling in cold climates
- Power distribution
- Heat recovery
- IT operational automation and remote applications
- Strengthened data center industry


Report - Fish Farming (pdf, 1.21 MB)

Report - Latency (pdf, 9.8 MB)

Report - Power Quality (pdf, 736.85 KB)


Project name





Region Norrbotten

RISE role in project

Project manager and coordinator

Project start



Total budget

1 429 671€


Hushållningssällskapet Norr- Västerbotten, Älvsbyns kommun, Hydro66, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Xarepo, Oulu Universitet, SFTec, Aurora datacenter, Oulu datacenter


Interreg Nord, Region Norrbotten, Vattenfall Vattenkraft, Business Oulu, Rovaniemen Kehitys Oy, NxtVN Finland


Project members

External press

Arctiq-DC @ Oulu University

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
17. Partnerships for the goals
Mattias Vesterlund

Contact person

Mattias Vesterlund

Research Program Manager

+46 10 228 44 41

Read more about Mattias

Contact Mattias
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