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Bio Com Lab at work
Photo: Thor Balkhed

BioCom Lab - The Smart Intra-Body Network

BioCom Lab is a Swedish research, development, commercialisation, and think-tank initiative of RISE and Linköping University. The aim is to take a holistic approach towards an intra-body network, with a focus on e-health by integration of sensing, monitoring, prediction, analysis, data handling, and treatment.

BioCom Lab: combining sensors, decision making and medically active components

We propose an intra-body network – a personalised web, comprised of sensors, bioelectronic actuators, and secure communication technology. In part, this platform makes it possible to record and monitor our ambient conditions, as well as a large number of critical health status parameters. Together with big-data analysis and suggested actuator and drug-delivery devices, a treatment regimen can be derived that provides high-speed feedback between diagnosis and auto-regulated therapy.

This platform will thus enable a radically new, dynamic, and highly-personalised approach to healthcare. The intra-body network will be supported by the ubiquitous mobile network and resources in the cloud. The resulting smart system concept can be applied to an array of diseases, ranging from acute to chronic disorders. BioCom Lab will enable powerful tools to improve life quality, significantly reduce healthcare costs, and let human resources be refocused to where they matter most, the relational continuity with the patient.

In the BioCom Lab, industry and research organisations form a joint team are establishing the necessary technology and communication systems. Further, the initiative includes providers and organisations to develop and verify healthcare services. In the BioCom Lab, members participate on a mutually non-competitive basis; no members are competing on the same market or with similar products.


Project name

BioCom Lab



RISE role in project

System integration, sensor development, IPR management

Project start


5 years

Total budget

36 million SEK


LiU - Laboratory of Organic Electronics, LiU - Department of Electrical Engineering, RISE


Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

Project website


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
Björn Norberg

Contact person

Björn Norberg


+46 10 228 41 21

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