Contact person
Elsa Vaara
Contact ElsaBHBG is a project that aimed to make visible equaliy- and sustainability issues related to building homes and living in our homes. We involved young people to join a dialogue facilitated through practical work and drama methodology.
School strikes are taking place in cities around the world, inspired by Swedish Greta Thunberg. It is young girls who change behaviors enough to make a relevant difference in society. This is in contrast to the fact that fewer young people aged 15-24 feel that they have the opportunity to influence their lives compared with 2018, according to the results in the latest Youth Barometer.
The project meets the social challenges of Agenda 2030's goals 10 and 5, which are to combat discrimination and work for women's full and effective participation. The project also meets goal 12 Sustainable consumption and production and 13 combating climate change by supporting young people and spreading practical knowledge and increased awareness of sustainable construction and housing.
Building Homes Building Girls
Region Stockholm, Region Västmanland