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Circular Co-Creation Games

Can games be used to co-create new circular business model ideas with customers? And for circular companies to find each other and start collaborating? That is what we are exploring in the project “Game-Based Approaches to Create Innovative Circular Value Propositions”.

For circular business models to be successful, what companies offer must align with what customers – users of a circular solution – need. However, this is easier said than done. Understanding of how companies can undertake the development of circular business models with potential users is currently lacking. Experimentation and co-creation are considered promising approaches, but there is limited research on how they can be applied with customers in the circular business model innovation process.

Game-based approaches have recently received significant attention as support tools for circular economy innovation because games can help stimulate interaction and engagement, encourage critical thinking by mimicking complex systems and even encourage changes in human behavior. But there are no games for co-creation between users and companies in a circular economy.

This project therefore aims to create a new, engaging circular business model innovation tool which enables the co-creation of circular business models between customers and companies. Specifically, we will produce an open-source, digital game prototype that will serve as an ‘arena’ for experimentation with circular business models. First, preliminary versions of the game will be created and tested with potential players, that is both users and company representatives. When these preliminary versions do provide the insights and the possibilities for co-creation that were intended, they will be put together into a digital game.

Our project’s goal is that use of the resulting digital game prototype will allow companies and customers to exchange critical insights and perspectives on their respective needs, values, and obstacles, thus allowing experimentation of new circular business model ideas.

Do you or anyone in your organisation want to be part of testing the game? Please contact us!

Information for focus group participants in the project


Project name

Circular Co-Creation Games




Region Östergötland

RISE role in project

Project leader

Project start


3 years

Total budget




Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Sara Renström

Contact person

Sara Renström

Senior Forskare

+46 10 228 42 14

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Katherine Whalen

Contact person

Katherine Whalen


+46 10 228 40 57

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