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Classification of manufactured treatment devices for stormwater manage

Funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency RISE will together with several other actors develop a method for classifying manufactured treatment devices for stormwater management.

There are no national guideline values ​​for discharge of polluted stormwater in Sweden. This makes it difficult for Swedish municipalities to achieve environmental quality standards and to comply with the Water Directive, since measures are not implemented or delayed. Manufactured stormwater treatment devices can be part of the overall solution and due to their effectiveness where space is a limiting factor and high pollution concentrations occur. In Sweden, there are several manufacturers for different types of solutions. Choosing the right solution for a specific application and purpose is therefore a complex decision. Due to these challenges, a procedure for evaluation of manufactured stormwater treatment devices through standardized testing in lab environments, has been defined. The proposed procedure consists of methods for testing full scale devices in laboratory environment, which offers the possibility for controlled inflows and the use of synthetic stormwater. Tests for both their capacity to remove particulate and dissolved pollutants are included.

With money granted by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency RISE will lead a new project updating the standardized testing procedure. The work will include developing a classification method for technology developer interested in evaluation and comparing the prestanda of their technique with other techniques on the market.The project will be carried out in close collaboration between need owners, customers, technology suppliers, trade association, national authority and academia.


Project name

Classification of treatment devices




Region Stockholm

RISE role in project


Project start


5 month


Naturvårdsverket , Svenskt Vatten, Trafikverket, VA Guiden, Rent Dagvatten AB, Svenska Institutet för Standarder (SIS), Kretslopp och Vatten




Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

6. Clean water and sanitation
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Anna Pettersson Skog

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Anna Pettersson Skog


+46 73 412 63 63

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Ann Johansen


+46 10 722 32 61

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