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Förjupad analys av plast i hushållensa restavfall

Climate impact of different houshold waste fractions

What is the climate impact of waste fractions containing plastic, for example plastic packaging or textiles in household residual waste?

The aim of this project is to provide an increased understanding of the climate impact of waste fractions in household residual waste. Knowledge will be generated by carrying out sorting and chemical analyses of different  waste fractions containing plastic with regard to, among other things, the proportion of fossil and biogenic carbon, polymer type and content of hazardous and unwanted material.

The results from this project will contribute to a better basis for decisions on which measures such as CCU, chemical recycling or post-sorting followed by mechanical recycling should be prioritized to meet the process and manufacturing industry's needs for recycled polymer raw materials with the desired quality and traceability.


Project name

Plastic content in houshold waste




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project

Projekledare och deltagare.

Project start


9 months

Total budget

1,05 MSEK


Göteborg Stad, Renova, Stenungssunds kommun


Klimatledande Processindustri, Avfall Sverige, Renova utvecklingsfond

Project website


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
Mar Edo

Contact person

Mar Edo

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