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Datacenter Innovation Region

The purpose of the project is to promote growth in small and medium-sized companies in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, in collaboration with universities, institutes and a technical data center. The business started in September 2015 and is coordinated by Luleå University of Technology.

Datacenter Innovation Region (DIR) provides an opportunity for small and medium-sized companies, with operations in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, to receive support for the development of products and services in the area of green resource-efficient data centers and clouds. The project also works to increase companies' competitiveness through market adaptation of products, market communication and market presence through, for example, prototype development, research and expert support for technical development and innovation evaluation.

DIR has the opportunity to financially support:

  • Development, testing and demonstration of new and better products and services
  • External work initiatives and services regarding research, development, innovation and business development
  • Fees and overheads for equipment and test environment
  • Market adaptation of products, market communication and market presence


Project name





Region Norrbotten, Region Västerbotten

RISE role in project


Project start


8 years


Ericsson, Elastisys, Västerbottens Handelskammare, Norrbottens Handelskammare, Luleå Business Region, Boden Business Agency, Node Pole, Storumans kommun, Lycksele kommun, Norsjö kommun, Luleå kommun, Umeå kommun, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Region Västerbotten, Region Norrbotten, Europeiska Regionala Utvecklingsfonden

Project website


Project members