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Ginger bread house glued with edible hot-melt adhesive
Photo: Mats Stading

Edible hot-melt adhesive for food and packaging

Most people have used a hot glue gun for hobby or craft projects, and also wished it would be possible to use also for food decorations. A new, hot-melt adhesive now makes it possible to use for food decorations as well as for packaging.

The sustainable adhesive is applied with a hot glue gun.

Hot-melt adhesives are used for hobby as well as in industrial applications as a fast setting alternative without any solvents. It is used for corrugated boxes and in electronic devices to affix parts and wires, as well as for bookbinding and as a glue in hygiene products.

Edible hot-melt adhesive open new application areas and are perfect for food decorations and artistic gastronomy, as well as for the childcare sector as a safe alternative to other glues. Corrugated boxes and paperboard cartons are glued with hot-melt adhesives and an edible version would be suitable as a safe and sustainable option for food packaging.

RISE has developed an edible hot-melt adhesive based on sugars with corresponding properties to adhesives based on synthetic polymers. The adhesive is suitable for foods as well as for technical applications.


Project name

Edible hot-melt adhesive



RISE role in project


Project start



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Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Mats Stading

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Mats Stading

Senior forskare

+46 76 127 26 03

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Johanna E Andersson

Contact person

Johanna E Andersson


+46 70 319 67 37

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