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ENACTEST: European iNnovation AllianCe for TESting educaTion

ENACTEST is a ERASMUS+ 3-year European project with the aim to reduce the gap and skills mismatches of testing education from the perspective of three key actors: students, industry, and academia.

Testing software is very important, but not done well, resulting in problematic and erroneous software applications.  The cause radicates from a skills mismatch between what is needed in industry, the learning needs of students and the way testing is currently being taught at HEs and VETs. The goal of the ENACTEST project is to identify and design seamless teaching strategies for testing together with materials that are aligned with industry and learning needs.

To represent the entire socio-economic environment that will benefit from the results, this project  consortium is composed of 9 partners: 4 HEs, 1 VET, and 4 SME. The main activities are related to the research in cognitive models for learning testing, the identification of industry needs of testing for the training and knowledge transfer processes, the design and development of teaching testing capsules including the instructional materials that take into account the cognitive models of students and the industry needs, and the validation of the teaching testing capsules developed during the project.

We expect to design, develop and validate at least 10 teaching testing capsules during the project, which can be easily integrated in the curricula of partners and industry processes. This will improve the learning performance of students and improve their testing skills as they are increasingly important in digital job profiles across the entire labour market. In the long run this will improve the quality of the software on which our digitalised society relies. Moreover, we advocate that if the results of the ENACTEST project are used over the years in VETs, HEs, and SMEs continuing improving the testing education, the number of persons benefiting from the project will be incomputable.


Project name





Region Västmanland

RISE role in project

Participation, task leader

Project start


3 years

Project website

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

4. Quality education
Mehrdad Saadatmand

Contact person

Mehrdad Saadatmand

Senior Researcher

+46 72 569 59 56

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