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Environmental investment of green roofs - tools and comparisons with LCA

In order to achieve our climate goals in the future, it is important that the materials and techniques you use have a minimal environmental impact, both in new construction and renovation. Therefore, environmental investment of green and other roofs is evaluated using life-cycle analysis.

In order to achieve our climate goals in the future, it is important to verify that the materials and techniques used have a minimal environmental impact, both in new construction and renovation.

The aim of the project is to develop a tool that can quantify greenhouse gas emissions for green roofs upstream in the construction process, including the operational phase, in order to be able to assess environmental investment and repayment of green roofs, ie the so-called "Environmental Return of Investment".

This is a simple and clear way of showing how many years it takes for a green roof to repay itself from an environmental perspective. Based on previous research by the participating research groups, new methods and analysis tools will be jointly developed.

The result of the project will enable project managers to include climate considerations in planning and monitoring of construction Projects and provide builders and authorities with tools to set relevant environmental requirements when designing building rules and when procuring construction activities.

Conference (LCM 2021) and articles (2022)


Project name

Environmental investment of green roofs



RISE role in project

Coordinator, participant

Project start


4 years 3 month

Total budget

3,3 MSEK


Luleå University of Technology, RISE Built Environment, Building Physics, RISE Built Environment, Energy och environmental systems analysis


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities
13. Climate action
Jutta Schade

Contact person

Jutta Schade


+46 10 516 58 53

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