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workshop with journalistis

Equality in journalism

The media play an important role in how we perceive the world. To be represented in the media is therefore important. The project worked in collaborative processes to identify challenges and potential for innovation that can promote inclusive news and safe online dissussions in the media.

Research have revealed that there are challenges with representing groups in society in the media, for example, less than a third of those represented in media are women and in roles such as spokespersons or experts they are even fewer.

Other projects have been working on making statistics accessible and raising awareness, thus in this project, we focused on finding proactive solutions that serve journalists' work processes. This was done together with journalists in workshops. The project explored what current work processes looked like and mapped challenges with working more aware of norms and equality.

The goal was to map needs and generate innovation ideas for a possible innovation project where solutions can be prototyped and tested.

"Jämlikt i journalistik" (Equality in journalism) was a Vinnova-funded project within Norm Critical Innovation. The project was a collaboration between Norran and RISE ICT / Interactive in Piteå. 


Project name

Equality in journalism




Region Norrbotten

RISE role in project


Project start


8 månader

Total budget

400 000





Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

5. Gender equality
10. Reduced inequalities
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Elin Hollström

Contact person

Elin Hollström

Project manager


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