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Fair data!

The Sjyst data! (fair data) project operates at the intersection between law, technology and user attitudes and behavior to meet the need of utilizing data in a way that unites user demands regarding clarity, transparency and privacy with creating benefits for individuals, companies and public organisations.

Sjyst data! is a collaboration and innovation project centered around data protection and privacy. The background of the project is the great opportunities and values ​​of digitalisation for society, but also the risks and threats that increased digitalisation brings. This entails a need for increased support regarding privacy aspects for companies and organizations, as well as finding ways to increase trust from a consumer perspective.

In order for Sweden to be able to take a leading position in data-driven services with privacy in focus, more knowledge and development is needed in this area. The project contributes with two primary initiatives:

  1. The Sjyst data! Lab

    Establishment of a multidisciplinary, exploratory knowledge center that provides a structured innovation support around privacy and data protection to companies and organizations that need specialist competence and / or reinforcement resources. The lab is intended as a commercial service which companies can turn to for support regarding privacy and data-driven services through teams of multidisciplinary expertise in a format similar to the regulatory sandboxes that are now emerging, such as ICO UK Sandbox.

  2. Sjyst data! Certification

    Development of an approved certification for privacy in data management and data protection that contributes to increased transparency, security, trust and attraction between companies / organizations and customers / users.

The Sjyst data! project is financed by Vinnova within the Challenge Driven Innovation program, CDI step3.


Project name

Sjyst data!



RISE role in project


Project start


2 years

Total budget

44 000 000 SEK


Bumbee Labs, HI3G Access,, Interactive Advertising Bureau Sverige, Kantar Sifo, Lunds universitet, Malmö universitet, Mydata, Nordiska museet, Pinteg, Priva innovation, Region Stockholm, Sandvine, SEB, Stiftelsen Länsmuseet Västernorrland, Swedma, Södertörns högskola, Telia


Vinnova UDI steg 3


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities
Håkan Cavenius

Contact person

Håkan Cavenius

+46 73 065 18 93

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Christina Lagerstedt

Contact person

Christina Lagerstedt


+46 10 228 41 38

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