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Får jag lov?

Får jag lov, a project coordinated by Boverket, The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. Together with municipalities, software developers, universities and companies the aim of this project is to develop digital solutions that help stimulate the Swedish building process. Our role is to plan and conduct several design sprint and produce simple digital prototypes.

During this project, we have planned and conducted design sprints with participant from Boverket (the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) and building committees from a number of municipalities, consultants and experts.   

A design sprint is a rapid way of work from a problem to evaluated solution. To be able to create a suitable prototype, meet the expectations and solve the underlying problem with the building permit process, we invited participants from both municipalities and businesses to help us out. The design sprints had different aims and questions depending on which target group and problem Boverket wanted to focus on and explore. 

In our first design sprint we wanted to explore how citizens perceived the building permit process, to be able to ease the process with our digital prototype. We evaluated the prototype with citizens that were in the process to apply for a building permit or just recently did so. 

During our second sprint we changed focus - now we wanted to explore the perspective of those who work with approving the building permits. The prototype was evaluated with employees from Norrköping municipality. 


Project name

Får jag lov?



RISE role in project


Project start


till augusti 2019


Boverket - The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning

Project website

Project members