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Feasibility study: National testbed for SME in additive manufacturing

This feasibility study aims to describe how the additive manufacturing landscape is now and evaluate how small and medium enterprises can access and utilize the accumulated competence across Sweden to boost their additive manufacturing journey.

The adoption of additive manufacturing in Sweden is too slow compared to many other countries such as Germany, US, UK, China, and Australia who have launched national programs. Today, there are only a few industrial organisations in Sweden with internal manufacturing capacity or that they are requiring services via sub suppliers (outsourcing). In most cases internal full scale production can be found at the larger corporates that have invested heavily in their own manufacturing plants covering major parts of the supply chain.

Important to include the sub suppliers

The existing sub suppliers (service bureaus) in some cases are today suppling large quantities to both bigger corporates as well as to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). However, when studying how well SME have adopted the technology, the numbers are even worse, which can be linked to i) lack of knowledge and competence, ii) lack of access and iii) high capital investment. Getting the small and medium-sized enterprises involved in the manufacturing transformation involving additive manufacturing is important as in many cases they are a part of eco-system providing services and goods to the larger corporates.

Many different initiatives

Today, there are many smaller and bigger initiatives on-going in Sweden with slightly different focus areas. In many cases the activities are not synchronized or coordinated which makes it difficult for the industry to grasp how to enter the area of additive manufacturing as well as where they are able to get the support and help that is optimum for their business.

Starting activities across Sweden covering all different regions would require massive national investment in terms of time, competence and infrastructure and would also slow down the adoption, why it is important to coordinate to the largest extent as possible. Moreover, no matter how, where and by whom any initiative is launched, it should benefit the industry and open for all interested partners, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

Platform for additive manufacturing

This feasibility study aims to describe how the additive manufacturing landscape is now and evaluate how small and medium-sized enterprises can access and utilize the accumulated competence across Sweden to boost their additive manufacturing journey. As an outcome, the project team should propose a program for how a national additive manufacturing platform could be rolled out using existing and upcoming infrastructure.


Update: In fall 2021 the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing will be launched. See website.


Project name

Feasibility study: Testbed AM



RISE role in project

Project Manager

Project start


9 mån

Total budget

1,5 MSEK


RISE AB, RISE IVF AB, Region Örebro Län, Alfred Nobel Science Park, Industrial Development Sweden (IUC Sweden)



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Seyed Hosseini

Contact person

Seyed Hosseini


+46 10 228 47 57

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