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Agriculture and food - tractor

Flexibility in the energy system-business model for agriculture

The project will form an innovation group that will develop a service that contributes to optimizing agriculture
electricity production and use according to the needs of the electricity networks. The effect is positive for farmers as well as society at large.

Access to green electricity is a prerequisite for Sweden's future competitiveness. According to several forecasts, our national electricity needs will double within a few decades. In southern Sweden, significantly less electricity is produced than is consumed, which drives up prices. The fact that our infrastructure and production for electricity supply is not sufficient or reliable is a significant problem for all parts of society and business. In a future electricity market with a high proportion of renewable and variable electricity production, it will be important to utilize flexibility resources in the electricity system. Flexible use and production of electricity is an important component in solving the above-mentioned challenges. Farmers may play a greater role in producing electricity and act as flexible resources to curb capacity problems and challenges from intermittent electricity production. Through a digital platform, the farmer can sell flexibility through various business arrangements to local network companies, regional networks or to Svenska Kraftnät. By being part of the platform, you can get an increased return on your investment in, for example, solar panels from the day you install them and reduced electricity costs by controlling the use. Control systems for demand flexibility and local flexibility markets exist and are being tested today, but there are no developed and tested solutions where agriculture is a flexibility resource in the energy system.


Project name

Flexibility resource in agriculture




Region Skåne

RISE role in project


Project start


1 år


HIR-Skåne, Skånes Kommuner



Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy

Contact person

Susanne Paulrud

Senior forskare

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