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Diskussioner i Japan om mat för äldre
Photo: Mats Stading

Food to alleviate age frailty

The population is ageing and many elderly eat too little and get frail. GoIndependent brings Swedish and Japanese scientists together with the aim of developing energy rich and nutritious food which is succulent as well as pleasant to chew and swallow, and retain oral functions.


The project coordinated activities in Sweden and Japan and developed a system of foods, technology and distribution to alleviate anorexia of aging and thereby frailty thus securing independent living and social participation of senior citizens.


The population is aging and in Sweden over 20% will be over 65 years in 2020. In Japan this figure is already 30%. Age related frailty is a serious threat to independent living and social participation of senior citizens. A main cause is lack of proper food intake, i.e. sufficient energy as well as nutrients, generally referred to as “anorexia of aging”. This leads to malnutrition which in turn leads to weight loss, frailty and finally to nursing homes, hospitalization, disabilities or even Death.


The project developed a system consisting of foods and processing devices such as 3D-printing to produce adjusted food (energy density, nutrients, consistency, swallowability, taste and flavour) delivered in suitable packaging and portion size. Food to retain oral functionality to stay active during aging was also developed.

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Project name




RISE role in project


Project start



Total budget

9,5 MSEK


Fuijita Health University, Findus Special Foods, Helsingborgs Kommun, Matsumoto Dental University, Food Care Co, Dalarna University, Natural Machines, Swedish Judo Federation, Animato



Project website

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
10. Reduced inequalities
Mats Stading

Contact person

Mats Stading

Senior forskare

+46 76 127 26 03

Read more about Mats

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