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Further development of the continuous preventive bridge maintenance

The purpose is to examine and improve the continuous preventive bridge maintenance that inter alia consists of washing, cleaning of drainage system and bridge joints and removal of vegetation. How the maintenance affects the material and structure is relatively unknown, since the procedure is based on practical experiences, except that it’s better than nothing.

The continuous preventive bridge maintenance consists inter alia of washing, cleaning of drainage systems and joints and removal of vegetation, which have been used for decades without major changes. The hypothesis is that preventive maintenance extends the life span by removal or minimizing of deteriorating mechanisms. There is a lack of research on if the performed procedures have a positive effect and if any other procedures would be better or existing ones improved. The effect on material and structure is unknown but the practical experiences have shown that it is better than nothing. The maintenance have been developed based on what have been most effective work method in combination with direct visual results without knowing the effect on material and structure in the long term.  The maintenance effect and efficiency is therefore of interest to examine. With both owner and contractor, there is a wish to examine and improve the maintenance.

Goal and Purpose
Since the effect of the continuous preventive bridge maintenance is relatively unknown, it must be examined as a whole with both practical and theoretical aspects considered. The effect of washing is to be examined deeper with lab and field experiments. Focus will be on the concrete with especial consideration to the edge beams. 

A field station have been constructed to examine the effect of washing on the chloride ingress on concrete. The purpose of the field station is twofold. One part is to examine the effect of washing in the field with natrual exposure. The other part is to be able to compare labresults with. In the lab, a method is being developed to simulate and examine the effect of washing under accelerated conditions. This is due to the natural effect is  believed to be long-term positive. 

The goal is to be able to give suggestion for optimizing the maintenance with maximum efficiency to reduced costs. 


Project name

Preventive Bridge Maintenance




Region Stockholm

RISE role in project


Project start


ca 5 years




SBUF, Trafikverket - BBT

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities