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Electronics, Printed circuit board (Image by Pixabay, Common Creative Zero licence)

Greener electronics - a necessary opportunity

This project aims to develop and disseminate new technology and other measures related to lower resource impact from the manufacture, use and recycling of electronics. Our ambition is to create a toolbox of technical solutions and routines that can be implemented industrially.

The overall goal of this project is to create new conditions for Swedish electronics by using environmental and resource issues as value-building tools. We intend to turn a worrying trend focused on short-term measures in the electronics industry, reinforced by the Corona epidemic, into an opportunity for Sweden by generating a toolbox of innovative technical solutions, new regulatory orientations and new routines, i.e. creating conditions for reducing environmental impact from electronics , and use the potential of electronics to help reduce society's environmental impact and, in the long run, drive a comprehensive restructuring of an entire industrial sector.

The project receives EU support through the European Regional Development Fund.


Project name

Greener electronics



RISE role in project


Project start


22 months

Total budget

5.8 MSEK


Co-funded by the European Union

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action

Contact person

Vincent Schaller

Senior Scientist

Read more about Vincent

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