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Greensense - smart disposable miniaturized system for Drugs of Abuse

Greensense is a miniaturized system to detect biomarkers in saliva/urine, focused on Drugs of Abuse. The system is built with nanocellulose and printed electronics.

GREENSENSE will develop a wireless, autonomous and sustainable platform to detect biomarkers. The project is focused on Drugs of Abuse (DoA): THC, Morphine, Cocaine, Amphetamin and Secobarbital. The system contains a new biosensor, an NFC-antenna and an electrochrome display. It's controlled by a microchip which interprets signals from multiple sensors and handles wireless communication.

Challenge: In Field- measurments of drug affection, quickly and exactly, from saliva or urine - without access to advanced laboratories or blood sampling.

Solution: An autonomous, miniaturized sensorsystem based on printing technologies and green materials-  nanocellulose.

Effect: Possibility to create small, cost effective and environmentally sound smart systems, which could be beneficial for healthcare/caregivers, and within police work.

A focal point for the project is nanocellulose (NC) and NC-derivates: as a substrate for printed electronics, laminate for encapsulation and as a component in the functional inks;  bioactive, conducting, dielectric, electrochemical and electrochromic.

GreenSense is financed through an EU-program; PILOTS-05-2017 Research and innovation action.

The Project encompasses the following workpackages:

  • Pilot scale production of nanocellulose from sulphite/kraft pulp and crop/paper waste.
  • Pilot scale fabrication of NC-based films (free-standing and NC-coated paper) by controlling: density, porosity, surface roughness, thickness, barrier and surface chemistry, transparency and mechanical properties.
  • Formulation and development at pilot scale of different NC-based functional inks to be used in electronic components and biosensing platform development.
  • Production, via screen-printing or inkjet printing, of all the printed electronic components that will compose the final biosensing platform.
  • Design and fabrication of a monolithically integrated microchip with all required electronic functions.
  • Validation of the fabrication of the printed electronic components and of the final biosensing platform by using existing high speed S2S manufacturing processes.
  • Integration of all components on a single NC-based substrate to fabricate two generations of the biosensing platform  by the use of pick and place technique.
  • Performance assessment (from materials to biosensing platform) in line with the future IEC62899 standard, stability tests and testing with synthetic analytes (partially in line with ISO 13485, EN 13612 and EN ISO 23640).
  • Sustainability assessment (from materials to biosensor platform) to evaluate compliance with environmental health and safety legislation and as a basis to establish a framework of eco-design requirements, considering a life-cycle based evaluation from an environmental perspective, including recyclability issues.
  • Cost-benefit analysis of the different developed materials, components and the biosensing platform. Definition of a roadmap to the market addressing the whole research-development-innovation cycle through specific value chain methodology and the production of business plans including the financial plan.


Project name




RISE role in project

Integration, printing, electronics design, sensors

Project start


48 months

Total budget

8 M€


Leitat, AIT, Melodea, RISE Acreo, Infineon, Atlas Medical, Genes Ink, IMST GmbH, Pro-Active, Prelonic, EMPA, RISE Innventia, Coatema


EU H2020-IND-CE-2016-17/H2020-NMBP-PILOTS-2017

Project website


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
Valerio Beni

Contact person

Valerio Beni


+46 72 516 86 07

Read more about Valerio

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