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Hydrogen activity from atmospheric corrosion in high strength steels

To find means based on robust scientific data to prevent failure of ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) in light structure applications such as vehicles during service use, and thereby guarantee safety and sustainability, is the most important goal for the AtHyCor project. Another goal is to help develop testing guidelines for UHSS.

AtHyCor is one of 25 steel and coal research projects, supporting the European Green Deal, which received EU funding (Call: RFCS-2020). Full name of the project is AtHyCor: Modelling of hydrogen activity from atmospheric corrosion in ultra-high strength steels for light structure application.

Predict hydrogen assisted cracking risks

The project will tackle the problem with risk of hydrogen embrittlement of coated UHSS components exposed to atmospheric corrosion. The main objectives are to understand the link between atmospheric corrosion mechanisms and hydrogen. The project uses both experimental techniques and mechanistic models to analyze and predict hydrogen assisted cracking risks under atmospheric corrosion conditions.  

With that knowledge the project will develop guidelines both in terms of methodology and risk, for the materials investigated in the project.

Simulation tool and guidelines

AtHyCor wants to explore the connection between atmospheric corrosion (in both accelerated corrosion tests and outdoor exposure) and hydrogen uptake/embrittlement and highlight the main parameters controlling hydrogen uptake under atmospheric corrosion conditions.

The project aims at producing robust scientific data, mechanistic-model simulation tools, and guidelines that will be shared with the scientific community and industry via available channels.


Project name




RISE role in project

Institut de la Corrosion - coordinator, RISE - participant

Project start


3 years

Total budget

1 906 026 Euro


RISE, Institut de la Corrosion, ArcelorMittal, Tecnico Lisboa, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Voestalpine


European Commission


Project members

Bo Rendahl

Contact person

Bo Rendahl

Senior specialist

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