Hydrogen production for grid benefits
The project will investigate different business models and regulatory conditions for electricity, oxygen and waste heat from a local, building-integrated energy storage system containing both batteries and hydrogen.
Based on the hydrogen refuelling station in Mariestad, which manufactures hydrogen on site through solar cells, RISE, in close cooperation with VänerEnergi and Mariestad ElectriVillage, will create an understanding of the full potential of the filling station.
We evaluate the operation of the existing plant, simulate the filling station during full-scale operation and investigate the possibilities for revenue streams from grid utility, oxygen sales and waste heat use.
This is the report (Swedish): Vätgasproduktion för ellagring efter elnätsnytta och affärsmodeller (diva-portal.org)
Project name
Hydrogen production for grid benefits
Västra Götaland Region
RISE role in project
Project start
3 years
Total budget
1 500 000 SEK
Mariestad ElectriVillage, VänerEnergi