Contact person
Michiel van Noord
Contact MichielRISE led the Swedish participation in IEA PVPS Task 15, an international collaboration and knowledge exchange project working to improve the conditions for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).
The work within Task 15 was divided into 5 different subtasks. Click on a subtask to read more:
Swedish participants in phase 2 of Task 15 were: RISE, White Architects, Soltech Energy and Mälardalen University (until 2021).
Swedish participants in this subtask: RISE (subtask leadership), Mälardalen University and Soltech Energy
RISE led this subtask where seven countries studied the actors working with BIPV, how those interact, which regulations affect solar PV in buildings and what cultures exist within the solar PV and construction industry.
The work resulted in six national reports that analyse conditions for BIPV in each country and give recommendations on how market development could be stimulated:
In addition to the national reports, an international synthesis report was also compiled that compares the conditions and recommendations between the aforementioned six countries and Finland.
For more background on the TIS methodology, a handbook for the implementation of TIS analyses for BIPV was also published, which hopefully can get more countries to investigate how BIPV can gain greater impact on their markets.
Swedish participants in this subtask: White Architects and Mälardalen University
The second subtask aimed to develop a method for assessing BIPV facilities. In addition, key figures were identified and defined for several relevant perspectives:
With the help of performance indicators and specially developed diagrams, the performance of different BIPV facilities can easily be presented and compared.
The methodology and key figures will be published in a scientific article and an IEA PVPS report shortly. The report will also present several examples of facilities that have been assessed with the new method.
Swedish participants in this subtask: Soltech Energy and White Architects
Integrating solar cells into building design, construction, and installations is a task that must combine several disciplines. It concerns the building envelope's tightness, moisture management, fire safety, maintenance of electrical installations, static requirements, etc. Several compilations of interesting and successful projects existed, including from the first phase of Task 15, but there was a lack of detailed technical guidance.
The work in this subtask has aimed to produce a book that describes the important design parameters for BIPV and goes into technical details and possible solutions for various practical challenges. It resulted in a guidebook that includes a large number of case studies and consists of six chapters:
The book is expected to be published at the end of summer 2024, both as a physical book and as an e-book. The e-book will be available on Task 15's website.
Swedish participants in this subtask: White Architects and RISE
Digitalization is in full swing in the construction industry and since BIPV products are primarily building products, it is important that there are tools, methods, and resources for BIPV. This subtask has worked to:
Swedish participants in this subtask: RISE
This last subtask gathered research on test methods and characterization for BIPV products and systems in several areas:
This project was a continuation of a collaboration that has been ongoing since 2015 under the International Energy Agency's solar cell program PVPS (Photovoltaic Power Systems). It included over 100 experts from 18 countries. The project aimed to create conditions for a growing market for building-integrated solar electricity (BIPV), among other things through documentation for new standards, presentation of good examples, recommendations for industry actors, etc.
IEA PVPS Task 15 (phase 2)
Other than Sweden
Coordinator for Sweden; Subtask leader Subtask A. Participant Subtasks D, E
4 years and 3 months
4 MSEK (Swedish contribution)
White Architects, Soltech Energy, Mälardalen University, Additional international partners
Michiel van Noord Malin Unger Martin Warneryd Elin Daun
Webinar on BIPV - with presentation of Task 15 and the BIPV guidebook
PV Magazine - on the guide for TIS-analys, led by RISEPV Magazine - on the fire-safety report (contributions by RISE Fire Research)