Contact person
Maria Gröndahl
Contact MariaThrough the "Industriell Dynamik" network, we can help you develop your company. We offer services to small and medium-sized enterprises within technical development, technical problem solving, market and business development, internationalisation and support in finding financing for development projects.
Industriell Dynamik is your entry to universities, research institutes and industrial development centers. We support more than 500 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with their technical and business development every year. We give advice, solve problems and start development projects. If your company is registered in Västra Götaland you can get up to 8 hours initial support free of charge.
A company is an SME if it:
* Has maximum 250 employees
* Has 50 million euros or less in annual turnover or 43 million euros or less in balance sheet total
* Meets the requirement on independence (the company is owned to less than 25% by a company with more than 250 employees)
Through Industriell Dynamik you get a contact person with industrial experience who listens to you, finds the experts you need, coaches you and coordinates all the services from us and our partners. Fast and simple. Your contact person is someone you can trust and always come back to.
We help you develop your company, innovations, products and services. We rationalise your production and processes. We help you with external environment monitoring, EU applications and applications for regional and national financing. We give advice on EU directives, standards, customs rules, export/import and patents. We do testing and certification. We find your new agents, suppliers and other business partners in Sweden and abroad.
Västra Götaland Region
IUC Väst, IUC Sjuhärad, IDC West Sweden AB, Chalmers Industriteknik, Connect Väst, Business Region Göteborg, Högskolan Väst, Högskolan i Borås, Göteborgs tekniska college
Maria Gröndahl Max Maupoix Christin Vännman Molly Rogstadius Susanna Kindberg Mattias Viktorsson Martin Hesselgren Maria Holmkvist