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Inventory of national and international testbed capacity (INIT)

Which Swedish technology infrastructures – testbeds and demonstrators – possess the potential and ambition necessary for successful international competition? And what would it take to help others reach that goal? Those are the questions that RISE answers in a project called INIT, Inventory of national and international test bed capacity.

Testbeds in Sweden and the world

The first part of the project consists of a mapping of existing technology infrastructures in Sweden. Although RISE owns and operates many of these tech infrastructures, this project will include similar infrastructures of all kinds, with various owners and operators. The mapping is primarily made with a questionnaire, complemented by interviews. An early version of the mapping should be available in June 2021. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would be interested in taking part of the mapping. 

From the mapping, a long list of technology infrastructures with the necessary potential and ambitions will be selected. The ambition is to make this process including and iterative – it is a moving target. The process will be strengthened by input from international technology infrastructures who could be potential partners or potential competitors. An early version of this analysis is expected by the fall of 2021. 

Throughout the mapping and analysis work we will find great tech infrastructures who already feature strong international presence, and hopefully identify patterns and similarities among the successful ones. We will also find tech infrastructures whose international potential could be fulfilled, given the proper circumstances. The third part of the project aims at finding a model for giving these tech infrastructures the continuous support necessary for international success. The result of this work will be presented mid-2022. 

The overarching goal of this project is to reinforce Swedish innovation and competitiveness by assisting more Swedish technology infrastructures to reach international success, with international customers and partners, thereby reaching state-of-the-art capacity. 

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Project name

Inventory of testbed capacity




Region Stockholm

RISE role in project

Project manager

Project start


20 months




Project members

Sofia Målberg

Contact person

Sofia Målberg


+46 73 023 14 47

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Adam Edström

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Adam Edström


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