LIGHTer PhD network
LIGHTer PhD network will strengthen the education of PhD:s in disciplines relevant to lightweight in order to further enable major future technological leaps, e.g. through increased collaboration, broader perspectives on lightweight technologies and insight into several disciplines.
Already at the start of their studies, the PhD students are introduced to the LIGHTer network of researchers from universities and industry. They will also be given the opportunity for multi-disciplinary research collaboration. The network activities are covered by a joint course, national and international workshops, seminars and an annual PhD student conference that is coordinated with other LIGHTer activities. The goals for the activities within LIGHTer PhD network are to:
- Develop and maintain a sustainable unique Swedish network of industrial and university researchers with strong international contacts.
- Educate PhDs for Swedish industry with a broad understanding of challenges and solutions in lightweight technology.
- Educate researchers for sustainable growth in research and education at Swedish universities and institutes.
- Create and establish collaboration with international research environments of high relevance for research and development within lightweight in Sweden.
- Develop and disseminate new revolutionary technology and expertise to Swedish companies through increased multidisciplinary collaboration between PhD students and other researchers, also between different universities and / or together with institutes and industry.
The project intends to further develop and proceed the ongoing activity cycle with a joint lightweight course, workshops, seminars, and PhD student conference for the PhD students in the network as well as two new PhD groups during the years 2021 and 2022. International collaboration within lightweight will be a focus area and annually core courses are offered within the network that are of relevance to lightweight technologies at Swedish universities, all in a format adapted for PhD students performing their studies at different locations.
Project name
LIGHTer PhD network
Region Blekinge, Region Jönköping County, Region Norrbotten, Region Skåne, Region Stockholm, Region Uppsala, Region Västmanland, Region Örebro län, Region Östergötland, Västra Götaland Region
RISE role in project
Project coordinator
Project start
2,5 years
Total budget
> 1000000 SEK
Luleå University of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers Institute of Technology, RISE - Research Institites of Sweden