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MATISSE: Digital twins for early verification and validation

MATISSE is a KDT EU project to develop a model-based framework for automating the creation of digital twins for the simulation, monitoring and testing of complex industrial systems. The project consists of partners from Sweden, France, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Finland, and Turkiye.

Thanks to the advances in information technology, modern industrial systems are becoming increasingly intelligent and autonomous; thus their requirements for, e.g., correctness, availability, traceability and reliability, are also increasing. Monitoring, analysis and diagnosis of such industrial systems became pivotal and fueled the development of virtualization and simulation solutions such as digital twins. In a nutshell, digital twins are virtual representations of actual systems or processes that serve as real-time digital counterparts for, e.g., prediction, analysis, testing, and simulation. Developing digital twins is a complex process. On the one hand, it includes developing digital twins at different levels of abstraction of the system to allow one to focus on different relevant aspects (e.g, behavioural, logical, physical). On the other hand, it must ensure the correctness of digital twins with respect to the system specifications and the respective level of abstraction, and the federation enabling the communication between digital twins conceived as exchange and resume of models.
This project aims to develop a model-based framework addressing the above-mentioned challenges by 

  • automating the creation of digital twins for the simulation, monitoring and testing of functional and non-functional properties,
  • continuous validating digital twins to meet the required properties, and
  • developing a multidomain and automated digital twin toolchain for the verification and validation of complex industrial systems based on digital twins. 

We foresee that this project will positively impact the efficiency of such systems by reducing their time to value and by increasing their final quality.


Project name





Region Västmanland

RISE role in project

solution provider, task leader

Project start


3 year

Total budget

€18 107 161


Mälardalen University, Alstom , CNet Svenska AB, Addiva AB

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
17. Partnerships for the goals
Mehrdad Saadatmand

Contact person

Mehrdad Saadatmand

Senior Researcher

+46 72 569 59 56

Read more about Mehrdad

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