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Neutron and photon based technique at large scale infrastructures

RISE is working to make neutron- and photon-based techniques in large scale research infrastructures, such as MAX IV, ESS, P21 @Petra III, and other similar facilities, more relevant and accessible to research in industry, institutes, and academia.

Purpose and goal

The project aims to strengthen the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the Swedish industry. The main goal is for RISE to take a leading role in making neutron- and photon-based technologies more easily accessible and relevant to industry-related research. Other important objectives are to integrate the techniques in the RISE toolbox and projects, educate RISE staff and strengthen our expertise, attract top talent, strengthen RISE infrastructures and to communicate the value of the investment and the possibilities with neutron- and photon-based techniques.


Neutron- and photon-based techniques are advanced and require specialists to be used efficiently. Also, supplementary techniques and material expertise are often required to take a challenge from hypothesis to solution.


RISE will employ several technology experts, educate RISE staff and integrate the techniques in the RISE toolbox and projects. RISE takes full responsibility from the hypothesis or question to useful results.


The project is expected to strengthen the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the Swedish industry by making large-scale research infrastructure more easily accessible and relevant to industry-related research.


Project name

Large scale research infrastructures



RISE role in project


Project start


Until further notice

Total budget

5 MSEK per year


MAX IV, European Spallation Source

Project members

Read more at the project website

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production