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Einar Mattson Solar roof
Photo: Einar Mattsón

Optimized Refurbishment for Efficient Solar Roofs

EST aims to contribute with new knowledge and solutions for roof renovation with solar cells in multi-dwelling buildings and premises. In the project coordinated by RISE, we will, together with our partners from academia and business, follow the planning of 5-10 renovation projects to develop new knowledge, inspire and initiate demonstration of new, more efficient construction- and installation concepts.

Aim and goal

  • To contribute to an accelerated, efficient and quality-oriented market development for roof renovation with solar cells
  • Enabling business development and new industrial cooperation in the area.


The challenge of the project is that roofs of Swedish buildings are not sufficiently utilized for solar production.


The project's hypothesis is that the property owners can achieve major savings by coordinating roof renovation with the installation of solar cells, where prefabricated roof elements can in some cases further contribute to savings and quality gains. In addition, the market may grow and the share of renewable electricity generation will increase if more property owners become aware of these opportunities. The project will also create the conditions for building larger solar installations with good profitability.

The project results should describe when and how to gain from coordinating roof renovation and solar cell installation. Property owners, architects, building contractors and consultants working on roof renovations, regardless of building type, should be able to benefit from the results in various ways. In cases where the project succeeds in identifying possible improvements in rules and regulations for the benefit of this process, such opportunities will be presented to the relevant authorities.


Increased local production of renewable electricity by more property owners choosing to install solar energy as well as increased quality and more efficient processes in construction. The effects will contribute to a number of the global sustainability goals.


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start




Högskolan Dalarna, Chalmers, Einar Mattson, AB Bostäder Borås, Gårdstensbostäder , Lokalförvaltningen i Göteborgs Stad , Solkompaniet, Soltech Energy, Cowi , Wästbygg , Kjellgren Kaminsky archicture , Projektet leds av RISE i samarbete med Chalmers och Högskolan Dalarna som huvudsakliga forskningsutförare. Fastighetsägare är Einar Mattsson, AB Bostäder Borås, Gårdstensbostäder och Lokalförvaltningen i Göteborgs Stad.



Project website
