Privacy-preserving automotive data sharing
Leveraging advanced encryption technologies and supported by blockchain and Web 3.0, the project will develop a platform that has the potential to provide a new way for privacy-preserving data sharing. The results provide data-sharing solutions that fully comply with GDPR to release the value of vehicle data.
Mobility is under transformation with increased automation, connectivity, and intelligence. One of the key assets that enable future sustainable mobility solutions is the data generated by the vehicles. Despite the consensus on the importance of vehicle data and the positive attitude toward vehicle data sharing, key challenges have always been on how to motivate data sharing, how to protect the data security, privacy, and integrity, how to comply with the EU and local regulations, and how the business models look like. The need for methods and platforms to address such challenges is urgent to support the design of new mobility solutions for sustainable transport and new business potentials to maximize the data value.
This project leverages the latest development of advanced encryption technologies, the accelerated implementation of blockchain technologies for industrial applications, and the active Web 3.0 environment in Sweden to support secure and privacy-preserving automotive data sharing. The project is led by RISE with participants including Privasea AB and Alkit Communications AB. Privasea AB will bring competencies in advanced encryption and blockchain for a secure and privacy-preserving computing platform, while Alkit will provide its vehicle data access and collection platforms for testing and validation. RISE will investigate the technical feasibility, the impacts, and potential large industry pilot cases to support new mobility services.
The project focuses on automotive data sharing, while we will also investigate expansion to many other industry areas. We welcome industry partners that have data-sharing needs to talk with us as further potential test cases.
Project name
Privacy-preserving vehicle data sharing
Västra Götaland Region
RISE role in project
Project start
6 months
Total budget
500 000 kr
Privasea AB, Alkit Communications AB