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Circular PSP

Public Service Platforms for Circular Municipalities

The Circular Public Service Platforms for Circular, Innovative and Resilient Municipalities through Pre-Commercial Procurement (CircularPSP) project aims to accelerate the digital transition towards a Circular Economy (CE), by planning, procuring, and implementing innovative CE-solutions across Europe.


The challenge

 To the European Green Deal, realising a green, sustainable, and circular economy (CE) in Europe is crucial. An economy focused on circularity will help achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and meet 2030 SGD goals, as well as ensuring long term competitiveness of European businesses. However, only 10% of the cities have advanced on circular transition, as it is particularly complex, and cities need ICT support to help structure their action and enable them to learn from their peers. Cities and SMEs require support to operationalise the growing body of CE knowledge.

The approach

 The Buyers Group and Preferred Partners seek a new green digital platform enabling entire municipal operations (city) and the local economy (market) to choose, open, and consume existing and new data. The solution is to support business processes and workflows to plan, procure and implement innovative CE-solutions across Europe more quickly and at larger volume. To enable the transition suppliers will answer the unmet need for ICT innovation in the cross-cutting combination of three strategic digital technologies: 1) scalable platforms for city and SMEs users, 2) CE data analytics using EU taxonomy and open linked data and 3) natural language processing (NLP) to break language barriers across the EU and beyond.


CircularPSP brings together 7 procurers from 7 countries, representing 45 million citizens, to invest €5.64 million in R&D to tackle the common challenge of accelerating digital transition towards a Circular Economy (CE). The Buyers Group represents highly attractive national markets (Germany, Finland, Turkey, Sweden, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia) supported by a Preferred Partner in UK, including capitals with global influence (Berlin, Helsinki, London, Istanbul). The consortium represents European CE- transition and PCP leaders in science and practice.

Project consortium

Lead Buyer: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

Buyers group: Circular Berlin (Germany) + Forum Virium Helsinki (Finland) + Sandyford Business District (Ireland)  + Município de Guimarães (Portugal) + Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (Sweden) + Skupnost občin Slovenije (Slovenia)

Supporting group: Empirica (Germany) + RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (Sweden) + Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (Belgium); TAGES (Turkey); ReLondon (UK).

Follower: Spandau (Berlin, Germany).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Pre- Commercial Procurement Programme, under Grant Agreement n° 101092208

Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Emanuela Vanacore

Contact person

Emanuela Vanacore


+46 10 228 40 35

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