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The transport sector is dominated by the use of fossil fuels, and alternative fuels represent currently only 5% of fuel consumption in EU. The EU objective for the share of renewable energy in the transport sector is 10% in 2020. To achieve this goal, new advanced biofuels are needed and must be produced from alternative feedstocks.

The Pulp&Fuel concept is to develop a simple and robust fuel synthesis process taking advantage of the synergy between super critical water gasification (wet gasification) and fixed bed gasification (dry gasification).

For the Pulp&Fuel project, we have chosen to study the integration of the full process on a pulp mill. The developed process will take advantage of low to negative value wet and dry resources on a paper mill to add value to the overall process. The yield of biofuels will be significantly increased to 28 % compared to a classic approach that would only yield 18 %. The Pulp&Fuel final objective is to produce biofuels below 1 €/L without having a negative impact on the existing operations of the pulp mill. To achieve these goals a team of 10 partners, leaders in their field, from 4 EU-member states, will join efforts. The Pulp&Fuel project addresses the topic “liquid diesel- and gasoline-like biofuels from biogenic residues and wastes through either chemical, biochemical and thermochemical pathways, or a combination of them” of the LCSC3-RES-21-2018 call.


Project name




RISE role in project

Project member

Project start


4 years

Total budget

6 670 000 SEK

Project website