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The resources of our planet must be used more effectively. RE:Source supports the development of innovations that can contribute to a smarter use of resources in both society and industry. The goal is for Sweden to become a leading country for material use within the planetary boundaries.

RE:Source is Sweden's largest research and innovation initiative within sustainable use of materials. The program aims at developing knowledge and solutions that help to meet three global societal challenges within the areas:

  1. sustainable offers,
  2. sustainable usage,
  3. a sustainable circulation system.

The use of resources 2030

The program's vision for 2030 is that Sweden is a leading country for materiale use within the planetary boundaries. To achieve that goal, new technical methods, business models and processes are needed. RE:Source has started over 160 different projects in widely different areas, such as plastics, food, textiles, metal, building materials and electronics. RE:Source also investigates how policies and instruments affect the transition to a more sustainable resource use. 

The Material Wheel is a model based on the actual use of products and materials. The aim is to keep their value for as long as possible.

RE:Source is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, Vinnova (Swedens Innovation Agency) and Formas (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development), which have a joint venture in strategic innovation areas. The program is co-financed from the innovation area with at least as much as the funding from the authorities.


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start


12 years

Total budget



Energimyndigheten, Vinnova, Formas

Project website


Project members

Video about The Material Wheel

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Klas Cullbrand

Contact person

Klas Cullbrand


+46 73 718 86 69

Read more about Klas

Contact Klas
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