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Social and Health Impact Center (SHIC)

SHIC catalyses the transition from knowledge to practice and improves outcomes focus and the ability to measure social and health impact on a societal and individual level. As a cross-sectoral and multi-professional actor, SHIC meets a need for a long-term implementation support capacity focusing on the public sector.


SHIC contributes to systemic transformation towards preventive and early interventions in the welfare and health sector. SHIC provides competence and capacity to support the public sector and other actors in designing, commissioning/procuring, delivering and evaluating solutions and innovations.


A large share of public resources is spent on acute and reactive welfare and health services. The evidence of the value of prevention and early intervention is growing and there is a common understanding among stakeholders that prevention should be prioritized for human and economic reasons alike. Still, the implementation gap is evident and both funding and efficient and effective services for prevention is lacking. Siloed resources, lack of incentives and insufficient knowledge of practical implementation results in underinvestment.   


SHIC is an independent knowledge hub which provides capacity and competence to drive development. SHIC works both strategically and operationally. Learnings from other countries suggest that this type of actor is crucial. Examples are SITRA in Finland, Social Finance in UK, MaRS Centre for Impact Investing in Canada.


RISE is, through the center, a crucial part of the Swedish eco system for social innovation and welfare service development from 2021. On a European level, RISE SHIC is an established actor providing technical support and practical cases to the EU agenda for social development.

Overview of the learnings on Social Outcomes Contracting in Sweden


Project name

Social and Health Impact Center (SHIC)



RISE role in project


Project start


Until eco-system is established, project start up phase is until December 2021

Total budget

Initial budget 16 MSEK



Project website

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
10. Reduced inequalities
17. Partnerships for the goals
Tomas Bokström

Contact person

Tomas Bokström

+46 72 544 56 07

Read more about Tomas

Contact Tomas
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