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A dish of a plant-based meat analogur - SMAT
Photo: Mats Stading

Smat - Smart Food

We develop protein foods which are better than meat. They are succulent, contain more protein than meat, and are healthy and good for the environment. The protein comes from oat, pea and hemp, and there is even an opportunity to add cultivated meat cells.

Smart Mat means Smart Food in Swedish. This research project is Smat.

Tissue culture combined with creative gastronomy gives novel products

We currently eat twice as much meat as we need. Meat production produces large amounts of greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. We use 70% of the arable land for feed instead of for food. Over-consumption of meat also has detrimental health effects.

Protein from oat, pea and hemp is converted from flour by adding water, and heating the mixture during strong mixing in an extruder. You can also add fat, salt and vegetables for an even better taste. The resulting product is tender pieces which can be fried or used in casseroles and pasta sauces. Our cullinary creator Paul Svensson uses his magic to develop novel meals and recipies. 

We also study cultivation of meat. Muscle cells from meat are cultivated in a medium where they multiply, but they need a support to grow on. Our protein products are perfectly suited for this and we investigate how to cultivate the cells in the best way. The cultivated meat is still far from products found on the shelves, but may in the long run give even tastier, healthier and more environmentally friendly products.

Even if an extruder is the most suitable equipment you can make your own kitchen Smat using a heated meat grinder. Click on the film for an instruction. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 60g hemp and pea protein plus oat fibre
  • 0.4 cup water
  • A pinch of salt


Project name

SMAT - Smart Food




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project


Project start


6 månader

Total budget



Julie Gold and Roland Kádár at Chalmers University of Technology, Paul Svensson (Pauls Kök AB)

Project website

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

2. Zero hunger
Mats Stading

Contact person

Mats Stading

Senior forskare

+46 76 127 26 03

Read more about Mats

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