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Spatialising Autism in Planning

This interdisciplinary research aims to offer new perspectives on how integrating the participation of the neurodivergent community in planning processes can help initiate and improve their participation in society. 


In line with the ideal of 'right to the city', the project seeks to address the spatial dimensions of justice for the emerging neurodiversity paradigm in autism studies.

Through intentional conscious spatial interventions, architects, planners and experts of fields can exert notable levels of control over the built environment sensory input to which individuals on the autism spectrum are exposed. 

Through participatory processes, spatial planning has the potential to create autism-friendly environments to facilitate social participation and enhance the life quality of individuals on the autism spectrum.

However, addressing the question of autism-friendly built environment requires surpassing the current practice of implementing post-interventions, and rather, emphasis should be placed on adopting a participatory and collaborative approach that considers their needs from the outset of the planning process and throughout the whole process to the final evaluation.

By aligning with the social sustainability objectives of creating an inclusive society, the research findings will be of considerable significance to academics, practitioners, and decision-makers working to promote universal design.


Project name

Autism och samhällsplanering




Region Stockholm

RISE role in project


Project start


2 år

Total budget



Begripsam, Certec, LTH, Lund University



Project members

Mohammad Sarraf

Contact person

Mohammad Sarraf

Researcher in Urban Planning & Design

Read more about Mohammad

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