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The image shows a car by Volvo

Sustainable vehicle interior solutions

The SVIS project took a holistic approach to a more sustainable production of vehicle interior components and involved suppliers from all relevant areas. The project aims was to create anoverall competence within the consortium around design for recycling and design with recycled materials, recycling of production waste and ELV, LCA and value chain


The project aims was to reduce production waste from interior vehicle components that are not reused or recycled by at least 50%. In addition, the project intended to build knowledge in the automotive industry around

  • How to avoid and recycle production waste
  • Recycling methods for production waste and ELV
  • Design for recycling and design with recycled materials
  • The life cycle perspective and in particular LCA
  • Future value chains


Today, vehicle interior components are mainly based on synthetic materials and often the components consist of multimaterial combinations where different materials are laminated with suitable adhesives. This type of waste is often downgraded in the waste hierarchy to e.g. insulation, energy recovery (incinerated), or in the worst case landfilled.

At the same time, Volvo Cars has the goal of having 25% recycled plastics in all new cars from 2025, and the same year the ELV directive comes into force, which introduces a requirement to use recycled plastics.

The hypothesis here is that much of the production waste can be used in products or components with a significantly higher value than today and contribute to a better environmental profile. But to achieve Volvo's ambitious goals, cross-border collaboration with suppliers is needed.


With the help of case studies at the component level that involved many subcontractors, the SVIS project intended to build knowledge about sustainable vehicle design as well as recycling methods. In addition to the technical aspects of design and recycling, the project addressed issues related to requirements, future value chains, consumer and market attitudes. Moreover, a number of lectures and trainings were offered to increase knowledge among the involved partners regarding these and other aspects and issues that arise in connection with sustainable circular solutions.

The project studies different concepts for sustainable solutions with the help of case studies on component level.


Project name




RISE role in project

Coordinator and research partner

Project start


4,5 years

Total budget



Volvo Car Corporation, Adient, Albis, Autoneum, Borgstena, Dow, Elmo, Frimo, Havd, IAC, MCPP, National Halmstad, National Högsäter, Sporda Nonwoven, Texla, TMG


FFI - Fordonstrategisk Forskning och Innovation

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Adriana Angelaccio-Osbeck

Contact person

Adriana Angelaccio-Osbeck


+46 10 228 42 49

Read more about Adriana

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