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Magnetic nanorheology in the lab
Photo: Mats Stading

Talk with the food in the mouth!

By using remote, sensitive magnetic techniques the movement of magnetic iron oxide can be determined, thus giving local texture properties such as viscosity. This in turn gives a measure of changes in softening, drying, aggregation, dissolution and mouth feel, all without disturbing the oral culinary perception.

Principen för beröringsfri bestämning av konsistensen hos mat vi äter

Aim and goal

To combine materials science, electronics, sensor technology, food science and physics to develop remote sensing of texture in oral processing through the use of food with magnetic iron oxide particles.


The main oral processing activities are chewing, production of saliva and transportation of the food and drink including the prepared bolus, within the mouth. During the short time it takes to carry out these activities the receptors of various senses in the oral cavity and in the nose are stimulated, ideally to give us a pleasurable food experience. However, we know very little of this and therefore many new products fail on the market, which is neither sustainable nor economically satisfactory for the producers. Only 20% of the 20 000 new products launched every year remain after one year.


We can use magnetic particles in the food, such as iron oxide, to capture the food oral processing responsible for the perception, thus allowing us to predict and design succulent new food products. The project utilizes the expertise of RISE specialists in food science, magnetic sensor technology and material science to design a completely new measurement technology for food oral processing.


The new technology will result in more efficient product development for succulent products and a deeper understanding of the mechanisms and processes occurring in our mouth. This in turn will decrease the number of new products failing on the market.


Project name

Non-invasive determination of texture



RISE role in project


Project start



Total budget

8,8 MSEK


RISE ACREO, Chalmers University of Technology




Project members


External press

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
12. Responsible consumption and production
Mats Stading

Contact person

Mats Stading

Senior forskare

+46 76 127 26 03

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