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Testbed in Uppsala

Test your innovations in AI and robotics for agriculture

Digitalization and AI can form the foundation for innovative products and services for agriculture. We can assist your company with testing and verification of your innovations targeted towards agriculture at our testing facilities. You can test everything from crop cultivation to animal production, free for small and medium-sized enterprise. 

Fast launch of your products

Agriculture and food production in Europe face a range of challenges such as climate change, dependence on imports, antibiotic resistance, decreased profitability, soil depletion, and to support the development towards sustainable and profitable agriculture, new technologies need to be tested and verified. With the rapid advancements in AI and robotics, it's crucial for innovations to reach the market faster.

Through the EU-funded project AgrifoodTEF, we offer free testing opportunities for your company, aiming to accelerate the launch of your products and ensure their functionality, safety, and compliance with laws and regulations. 

What do you want to test?

You'll have access to two fantastic facilities for your tests. The first is the Digitalized Agriculture Testbed in Uppsala, where we've been driving digitalization and robotics in the agricultural sector for the past few years. The second facility is AstaZero, located outside Borås, a test track focused on autonomous vehicles. Additionally, RISE has more than 130 test and demonstration facilities that can also be utilized depending on what you want to test.

By combining our capabilities and expertise in agriculture with other areas such as AI, digitalization, and autonomous vehicles, the goal is to shorten the time between prototype and market introduction and to build trust for new AI and robotics solutions within the agricultural sector.

Examples of services at our testing facilities:

Verification and testing

You'll have the opportunity to test the performance of your robotic machinery, safety features, and sensor systems in real and virtual environments.

Guidance on laws and regulations

We assist you in navigating through the complex regulations of the Machinery Directive, Data Law, and AI Regulation to ensure compliance with your innovations.

Testing new technology

Explore and test new technology before it's officially approved for public use. 

Supporting European Companies

TEF, Test and Experiment Facilities is the EU's tool to support European companies in the development of AI technology and robotics. The focus of this project, AgrifoodTEF, is on companies developing new AI and robotics-based products for the agricultural sector that can contribute to solving its problems.

Promoting technological development in agriculture

AgrifoodTEF aims to promote technological development in agriculture and offers opportunities to test new technology in realistic environments before market introduction. The goal is to introduce AI and robotics solutions in agriculture that enhance the sustainability of food production in a time of climate change and global competition.

RISE coordinates the Swedish part of the project, which also includes AstaZero. Half of the funding comes from the EU and half from Vinnova. The consortium includes 29 partners from nine European countries. Examples of other partners include Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands, Agrotech Valley in Germany, and the coordinator Fundazione Bruno Kessler in Italy. Join us in creating the future of agriculture

Feel free to reach out to us if you want to know more


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start


5 years

Total budget

50 million SEK




Vinnova, EU

Project website


Supports the UN sustainability goals

2. Zero hunger
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Stina Jonsson

Contact person

Stina Jonsson

Senior Projektledare

+46 76 101 14 46

Read more about Stina

Contact Stina
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Test & demo


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