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Photo: Henry Hemming

The socially sustainable entrepreneur - social sustainability and cons

In what way can construction companies contribute to social sustainability during the construction phase? This project has focused on the social impacts that the activities of Swedish construction companies have during the construction phase. A decision support tool has been developed aimed at helping such companies assess their impacts.

So far, much work on urban social sustainability in a Swedish context has focused on the planning phase. Less work has been done that focuses on the construction phase. This is especially true in terms of how activities during the construction phase impacts the living conditions for people in the nearby neighborhood. This project has - in cooperation with three Swedish construction companies - studied such social impacts during the construction phase. Previous research and policy documents have also been analysed. A decision support tool aimed at Swedish construction companies was also developed. The tool consists of a hand book and a document with the help of which employees of construction companies will be able to deliberate on and assess the social impacts of their activities.


Project name

The socially sustainable entrepreneur




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project

Project manager

Project start


October 2015 to April 2018

Total budget



Veidekke Entreprenad (project owner), Wästbygg, Skanska


Sveriges Byggindustriers Utvecklingsfond

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Stefan Molnar

Contact person

Stefan Molnar


+46 70 538 59 78

Read more about Stefan

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