The Swedish Nutrient Platform - co:creation for healthy circulation of nutrients
The Swedish Nutrient Platform started to take form during the fall of 2019 and is continuing into a phase of being further established during 2020 with support from Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Agency.
The platform creates a common resource for knowledge seeking with an active network of stakeholders in the value chain. You can find more information about the platform and the latest updates on what is going on within the area of nutrient recovery and reuse on the Platform's website
As of in all of the SDGs, development in partnership is essential, highlighted in SDG 17. We’re talking about a transition within in several socio-technical systems with an incalculable set of variables and in continuous change, we are aiming at a moving target. To successfully return nutrients in circular fluxes we need knowledge transfer between sectors and stakeholders; a common understanding of possible drivers, barriers and obstacles.
The platform aims to bring out a number of needs-based relevant projects during 2020 that contributes to diminishing boundaries and creating possibilities for nutrients to move in healthy circular fluxes.
Project name
The Swedish Nutrient Platform
RISE role in project
Projektledare och koordinator ihop med IVL
Project start
Plattformen skall fortleva så länge den behövs.
Total budget
1 846 000
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, VIVAB Vatten och Miljö i Väst, VA SYD, SVOA Stockholm Vatten och Avfall, Käppalaförbundet, Gryaab
Project members
Workshop om hållbarhetsanalys för näringsämnen i kretslopp AP 2