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electric vehicle connected for charging

V2G Cost-Benefit – advantages of connecting the EV

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) is a technology that enables electric vehicles to deliver energy back to the grid. V2G can be used in private, public and industrial contexts  

V2G can support grid stability by balancing energy supply and demand. Through V2G, households can make money by connecting their electric vehicle to the grid and selling excess energy during periods of high demand.

This project explores the different usage scenarios of the V2G system and its associated costs. One example of a scenario is whether the electric vehicle is utilised for V2G at home, at work or both.

The focus of the project is on power electronics and battery degradation. By analysing the costs of power electronics and the effect on battery life, the project can help different stakeholders to better understand and manage the economic aspects of V2G.

The project goal is to examine what economic opportunities V2G brings. The project will map the circumstances and scenarios most benefit from the V2G-technique. For example, the benefits of energy arbitrage must be greater than battery wear and tear costs.


Project name

V2G Cost-Benefit



RISE role in project


Project start


2 years

Total budget

3,2 M SEK + 1,6 M in-kind financing


Linköping University, Volvo Cars, E.ON, Vattenfall


Swedish Energy Agency


Contact project leader Jonas

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Jonas Hellgren

Contact person

Jonas Hellgren


Read more about Jonas

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