Contact person
Magnus Arnell
Contact MagnusWater Wise Societies, one of five programs within the innovation initiative Impact Innovation, work for transition towards sustainable water for all. Impact Innovation is funded by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency, the aim is to contribut to global competitiveness through sustainable development transformation.
Water shall be available in the quality and quantity needed for people, society, businesses and society to flourish, despite a changing climate. Sweden is the leading partner for water related innovation and solutions.
The program summarize the aims in four areas:
Programmet sammanfattar målsättningarna i fyra områden: Vattenresilienta samhällen, välmående sjöar och vattendrag, tillgången till vatten och klok användning av vatten.
Water-resilient societies that are built and managed in harmony with water and are resilient to climate change and crises.
Thriving and healthy water sources that are protected and future-proofed. Sources of pollution are identified, assessed and, if needed, reduced or removed.
Access to water for all to support thriving ecosystems, safe drinking water, hygiene, food and energy production, and competitive business.
A wise use of water in which all of society harvests and uses only the quantity and quality of water they need. Resources in water are safely reused in circular systems.
The program is led by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden together with IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, Stockholm Environment Institute, Svenskt Vatten, Linköpings Science Park and Lund University.
Program Director is Magnus Arnell.
Water Wise Societies
5 år
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Svenskt Vatten, Stockholm Environment Institute, Linköping Science Park, Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Formas, Vinnova, Energimyndigheten
Magnus Arnell Elin Flodin Niklas Fernqvist Ann-Charlotte Mellquist Anna Fjällström