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Calibration of laboratory sieves.

We provide accredited calibration of laboratory sieves according to ISO 3310-1 (metal wire cloth sieves) and ISO 3310-2 (perforated metal plate sieves). The calibration is carried out in our accredited laboratory in Borås, Sweden.


The calibration illustrates whether your sieves reach the set requirements according to  ISO 3310-1 and ISO 3310-2 or not.


The calibration is carried out according to ISO 3310-1 and ISO 3310-2.


Calibration certificate according to method is obtained.

To order, please contact RISE in advance through the contact form. When ordering, please fill in the ordering form and enclose this to your order/shipment.

See general and special terms and conditions applying to projects and accredited assignments Terms and conditions | RISE.


Order via contact person or send the order form via e-mail.


Accredited calibration of laboratory sieves ISO 3310-1 and ISO 3310-2.


Test sieves of perforated metal plate, Test sieves of metal wire cloth

Delivery level



ISO 3310-1

ISO 3310-2


Price on tender

Delivery time

Delivery time is ca 3 weeks from the arrival of the sieves to RISE sieve calibration laboratory, Borås. Delivery time can only be guaranteed after agreed order/date of calibration. If the calibration service is ordered well in advance, the delivery time might be significantly shortened.



If possible, the sieves are cleaned before they are sent in for calibration (cleaning costs will be added if necessary). Make sure the sieves are well packed and protected before shipping. Please fill in the ordering form for easier/more correct management of the calibration commission.


Camilla Lindström

Contact person

Camilla Lindström

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 68 26

Read more about Camilla

Contact Camilla
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