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Certification of compost

Certification of compost is a voluntary commitment. The requirements set in the certification system are controlled by RISE, an independent organization, which contributes to increasing end users' confidence in the product.


A certification of compost according to SPCR 152 means that the compost has been produced from clean, source-source-separated and biodegradable substrates. The certification also ensures that the compost is hygienized and meets the requirements for metal content, weed and visible contaminants. Certification of compost according to SPCR 152 also results in a uniform description of the compost's plant nutrient content as well as soil improving properties that are updated regularly.


Certification of compost begins with a qualification year when the hygienization method is controlled and a sampling and analysis of the compost is initiated. The qualification year includes three external audits. Provided that the hygienization method and the product are approved and it can be shown at external inspection that the quality assurance works, a certificate may be issued after 1 year.


As the compost is approved, a certificate is issued and an agreement is made with RISE regarding further control. From then on, the operator may use the certification label. Every following year, RISE then conducts an external audit that results in a report.

More information

For more info, see RISE, Certified products, Compost.



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Certification of compost (SPCR 152)


Product certification

Delivery level



Price on tender

Delivery time

The qualification year starts when RISE performs the first audit. A visit can usually be booked 3-4 weeks in advance.


To initiate a certification of compost, an application must be submitted to RISE. During the qualification year, this must be supplemented with technical documentation, analysis reports, a description of the quality assurance and proposals regarding labeling.

Supports the UN sustainability goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities

Contact person

Charlotte Bourghardt


+46 10 516 56 89

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