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Fire test according to CEN/TS 1187, test 2

CEN/TS 1187, test 2  - Test method for external fire exposure to roof


The test method measures the roofing's ability to prevent flame spread when exposed to a burning wood crib. The product can be classified according to EN 13501-5 after testing. The class is called BROOF(t2). Test reports can be used as a basis for P marking or as part of the technical documentation when a product is CE marked.

To be able to sell a construction product in Europe, the product must be tested, classified and if possible, CE-marked in accordance with the Construction Product Regulation. To meet the technical fire requirements, there are common test methods and a common classification system, EN 13501-1, also called Euroclass. This classification system is used by all EU countries, including Norway and Iceland. In Sweden the Building Regulations, BBR, use the Euroclass system.


The test takes place inside a chamber that represents a sloping roof. The roof covering, in combination with the substrate, is mounted inside the test chamber. The tests is carried out at two different air velocity, 2 and 4 m/s. Three tests are performed at each air velocity. A wooden crib  is used as source of ignition. The test duration is 15 minutes or until the fire is extinguished or the flame has reached the upper part of the test body. During the test, the time from the test body is ignited and the time to the flame and the glow dies out. After the test, the length of damaged material is measured on the roofing and the substrate separately.


A test report, in Swedish or English, is deliverd with the test results after testing.


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Fire test according to CEN/TS 1187, test 2

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Price on tender


Material consumption during testing.

  • Complete test, 6 test 2 air velocity, 10 specimen measuring 400 mm x 1000 mm.
  • Indicativ test, 1 test 1 air velocity, 2 specimen measuring 400 mm x 1000 mm.
Henrik Fredriksson

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Henrik Fredriksson


+46 10 516 57 03

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Susanne Blomqvist

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Susanne Blomqvist


+46 10 516 50 84

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