Contact person
Susanne Blomqvist
Contact SusanneEN ISO 1182 - Reaction to fire tests for Products - Non-combustibility test
The fire test has been developed for constrution Products wich, whilst not completely inert, produce only a very limited amount of heat and flame when exposed to temperatures of 750º C approximately. The main purpose of the test is to classify a product A1 or A2 according to the European classification system.
To be able to sell a construction product in Europe, the product must be tested, classified and if possible, CE-marked in accordance with the Construction Product Regulation. To meet the technical fire requirements, there are common test methods and a common classification system, EN 13501-1, also called Euroclass. This classification system is used by all EU countries, including Norway and Iceland. In Sweden the Building Regulations, BBR, use the Euroclass system.
A test specimen is located inside a cylindrical furnace tube at 750 °C. The furnace and specimen temperatures are measured continuously during the test. Potential combustion of the test specimen is registered as temperature rise and/or visible flames. Mass loss of the test specimen is calculated after the test. These parameters are used to decide if the product is non-combustible or not.
A test report, in Swedish or English, is deliverd with the test results after testing.
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