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Deplide is a demonstration platform for ecosystem innovation in transport chains. By collecting, aggregating and analyzing data from many different data sources in the transport system, Deplide allows us to demonstrate and evaluate existing and future digital innovations, concepts and services.

Deplide is a data-agnostic demonstration platform for ecosystem innovation in multi-modal trans- port chains. Deplide is based on solid experience from similar platforms in several large-scale projects within the maritime sector adapted to more generic multi-modal transport needs. It has been developed primarily to support data sharing around a transport node, where main events along the supply chain occur. In addition, Deplide can collect and share data from several no- des along the supply chain to increase end-to-end supply chain visibility and similar use cases.

Sustainable transports

Deplide is the perfect project partner for demonstrating and evaluating existing and/or future digital innovations, concepts, and services within the scope of digital information sharing. The aim is to con- tinually add data sources and develop functionality on demand from relevant projects, and iteratively extend the scope and offer. Deplide is the result of many years of extensive research and innovation efforts in sustainable transports, with both scientific contributions and proven industrial relevance.

Data about events and event streams

Different types of data providers can be connected to Deplide, including temperature sensors, RFID readers, Port Management Systems, Terminal Operating Systems, etc. In a similar way, different types of data consu- mers can be connected, including front-end applications and services. These connection capabilities make Deplide ideal as a platform for collecting different types of data, aggregating, and analysing streaming data. Front-end applications and services can be built on top of the platform to explore different use cases around multi-modal transports. The data that needs to be shared are typically concentrated around events during the transport process; it could be a ship arriving at a port, an airplane arriving at an airport, or cargo that is transhipped at a logistic centre. A flow of events with associated data makes up a so-called event stream. De- plide is developed to manage event streams using Apache Kafka, an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.

Reference projects and applications

FEDeRATED ( is a both-feet-on-the-ground EU funded CEF data sharing project. StationCDM, YardCDM, PortCDM, TerminalCDM, RRTCDM, Demogate and more.


Test & Demo name



Virtual testbeds (VT)


Automotive and transport


Not applicable

Kenneth Lind

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Kenneth Lind

Senior Researcher

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Mikael Lind

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