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Large Fire Test Hall Trondheim

Thanks to it´s unique opportunities for flexible experimental setups, this facility can provide a wide variety of different possibilities for more effective fire tests.

With it´s area of 612m^2 (36m x 17m) and height of 22m, RISE´s Fire Research in Trondheim, Norway is the largest fire test hall in Europe. The hall is very versatile and can accommodate large scale fire tests and experiments to investigate fire ignition, development, detection and extinguishing. The height of the inner ceiling can be adjusted freely up to 15m, which, amongst other things, is particularly useful when testing extinguishing systems, as the height and room size easily can be adjusted in accordance with  customer requirements. Such extinguishing systems can be used in warehouses, machinery spaces, hangars and atriums.

Moreover, the ceiling consists of two separate modules, which allows experiments with different heights below the ceiling in different parts of the room. The ceiling covers an area of 476 m2 (17 m x 28 m) and can be raised up to a height of 15 m. This makes it possible to achieve a room size of up to 7 140 m3.

There are possibilities to simulate different environmental conditions such as temperature and wind.

An isolated command and control room from where the tests can be observed is also available.


Test & Demo name

Fire Test Hall




Laboratory testbeds (LT)


Automotive and transport, Buildings and infrastructure, Energy and Clean Tech, Materials, Process industry


Fire safety


Other than Sweden

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Nina Kristine Reitan

Administrerende direktör


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Tian Li

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Tian Li

Senior Research Scientist

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