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Meet our employees

What is it like to work at RISE? Here you can get to know some of our employees who tell you why they have chosen to work at RISE.

Ann-Sofie Däldehög

Business developer, norm-creative innovation

"Often, my job is to ask the difficult questions so we don’t get stuck in old norms and ideas about what things should be like."

Read the interview with Ann-Sofie


Metkel Yebiyo

Researcher, Heat Pumping Technologies

"For me, curiosity is the driving force behind being a researcher. I’m always curious about the renewable technology developments of our future."

Read the interview with Metkel


Sanna Klefbom

Master’s student, Interaction design

"RISE works with what’s happening here and now, and how to further develop it. So the focus is always on the present and future."

Read the interview with Sanna

Zozan Tunc

Researcher, Chemical process development

"Producing solutions to real problems is extremely educational and stimulating. It means that our solutions deliver real results."

Read the interview with Zozan

Ian Cotgreave

Vice President, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Toxicology

"I’ve worked within both academia and industry, but I think that few places are as exciting to work at as RISE."

Read the interview with Ian

Gunnar Westin

Group Manager, Processum

"Something I appreciate very much about RISE as an employer is the opportunity to transfer and try new things according to what drives you."

Read the interview with Gunnar