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Call for papers för SAIS 2022

We invited four types of contributions to SAIS 2022, from all areas of AI research in Sweden and the rest of the world: 

  • 6-10 pages full paper describing original contributions. General descriptions of current ongoing projects are also acceptable. This category is published in the IEEE proceedings of SAIS 2022, unless the authors choose to opt out from this.
  • 2 pages extended abstracts of papers published by or submitted to other AI venues, e.g. AI journals and AI conferences, within the last 12 months. General descriptions of current ongoing projects also acceptable. Extended abstracts were not included in the proceedings, but could still be presented.
  • 2 pages extended abstract describing industrial applications of AI, demonstrating use cases that can leverage machine learning and AI techniques in a real-world setting. The first author should be from the industry.
  • 2 pages extended abstract describing ongoing Ph.D. projects (the first author had to be a Ph.D. student). The problem statement and research question/s had to be clearly introduced and motivated. The accepted EAs were discussed in mentor sessions in small groups, providing constructive feedback. 

All papers and extended abstracts were reviewed by the program committee, and accepted contributions were presented as described above.

Copyright of the contributions not published in the IEEE proceedings stays with the authors and authors of previously unpublished abstract accepted by the SAIS workshop are encouraged to submit these to other workshops or conferences.

Sepideh Pashami


Sepideh Pashami

+46 10 228 40 73

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* Obligatoriskt Genom att skicka in formuläret behandlar RISE dina personuppgifter.